Latest Resources

Marsh Creek: New Name, Same Expertise, and Affiliations in M&A Advisory Services

We are excited to announce that Bristol Group Atlanta, a sell-side M&A advisory and business brokerage firm, is rebranding as Marsh Creek. This change is part of a larger strategy to increase our capacity to deliver high-quality merger and acquisition advisory services to our clients.

Getting M&A Right: Your Exit Strategy

Getting M&A Right: Your Exit Strategy

A successful company sale process requires careful planning and execution, beginning well before the business is put "on the market." Integrating sell-side M&A strategy into every stage of business planning is essential to a successful exit. In fact, studies show that companies that begin M&A planning earlier achieve higher valuations than those that start later.

people in a workplace

5 Secrets for Selling a Business

Learn how business owners are able to sell their business quickly for maximum value and favorable terms and conditions.

frustrated at computer

7 Reasons Why Your Business Will Never Sell

Avoid these common pitfalls that will make the process of selling a business extremely challenging if not impossible.


10 Amazing Facts You Need to Know

Be sure you know the facts before you begin the process of buying or selling a business.

signing papers in office

6 Steps to Get an SBA Loan

Learn how the SBA guarantees loans for businesses acquisitions and the steps you need to take to get approved.

signing contracts

3 Ways to Determine the Value of a Business

Learn about the basic business valuation methodologies including market method, multiple of discretionary earnings, and the buyers test method.


Tax Consequences of Selling or Buying a Business

This white paper describes the tax consequences associated with selling a business. It is important to understand what you will owe the IRS.

Start the Conversation

Exit your business with confidence and without regrets

Call 404-436-1071